Guide - Crafting Guide 1-103 - All The Materials And Ingredients You Need! [completed] (2024)

Hey guys, so while I was levelling up my professions, one question I asked myself constantly was, how much stuff do I need? How many materials and ingredients do I need to get to the next milestone? I noticed others had similar questions, however there were no exact answers.

So, like any normal person would do, I decided to level up my craftings again on another class, this time recording exactly how many crafts it takes and how many ingredients I used. A TLDR of the ingredients used can be found under the spoiler "ingredient summary" for each crafting.

The first thing I did was seperate the 8 craftings into groups of the number of mats required. They are split into 3 groups.
Scribing: 6 oil, 6 paper
Jeweling: 18 oil, 6 gems
(I used necklace crafts, you can use rings if you want to save materials, but you will have to grind more ingredients)
everything else: 6 and 12.
*(at level 100)

So, I decided to level scribing, jeweling and woodworking to compare the differences*. The crafts for weaponsmithing, tailoring, armouring, alchemism and cooking should be similar to woodworking, a decent approximation anyway.
*guess I'm doing them all now lol

The number of crafts I came up with is an approximation of the number of crafts needed using all t1 materials. However when I levelled, I did use some t2 and t3 materials to test the difference in xp. A general rule of thumb I came up with is,
1 t2 craft = 2 t1 crafts
1 t3 craft = 5 t1 crafts

So, in reality you will probably need less crafts if you use t2 materials. Also note these are only an approximation and crafting does have an element of randomness so results may vary!!

I stopped at 103 as this is the current maximum useful level, as you can use dernic materials, and can use 105 ingredients in the 103-105 craft (I think).

For materials I used this thread:
For ingredients this one:
or wynndata

I Levelled up 1-50 with NO bombs
and 50-103 with prof xp and speed.

If you want to figure out how much you need without bombs you'll need 4x materials* and 2x ingredients
*sometimes more depends when speed bomb rounds down (e.g level 80, 5 will round down to 2).
Also note, hunted mode only boosts gathering xp NOT crafting xp, so I didn't use it.



4 crafts

4 gudgeon oil, 4 oak paper
12 coastal sand, 12 fresh water​

7 crafts

14 trout oil, 14 birch paper
18 fresh water, 24 bone ash​

12 crafts

24 salmon oil, 24 willow paper
36 bone ash, 36 blaze power​

18 crafts

54 carp oil, 54 acacia paper
66 blaze powder, 24 gunpowder​

*I used ~24 extra blaze powder, if you use gunpowder may reduce crafts by 1 or 2?

25 crafts

75 icefish oil, 75 spruce paper
102 gunpowder, 48 ghostly essence​


25 crafts

50 piranha oil, 50 jungle paper
144 ghostly essence, 6 lizard tails​

*maybe only need ~60 ghostly essence, if you use this need ~80 more lizard tail

44 crafts

88 koi oil, 88 dark paper
264 lizard tails (4.1 stacks)​

75 crafts

150 gylia oil, 150 light paper (rounds down to 2 per craft)
450 ghostly membrane (7 stacks)​

110 crafts

220 bass oil, 220 pine paper (3.4 stacks of each)
78 ghostly membrane, 282 magic feathers (4.4 stacks), 234 earth aura (3.6 stacks), 66 fiery aura​

212 crafts

636 molten oil, 636 avo paper (10 stacks of each)
558 fiery aura (8.7 stacks), 714 silver feathers (11.2 stacks)​

89 crafts

267 starfish oil, 267 sky paper (4.2 stacks of each)
534 silver feathers (8.3 stacks)

*I recommend using t2 materials for 90-103, it was incredibly painful grinding so many silver feathers.

12 coastal sand
30 fresh water
60 bone ash
102 blaze powder
126 gunpowder (1.9 stacks)
192 ghostly essence (3 stacks)
270 lizard tails (4.2 stacks)
*ice cream sandwich
528 ghostly membrane (8.25 stacks) (or fairy dust)
282 magic feathers (4.4 stacks)
234 earthy aura (3.7 stacks)
624 fiery aura (9.75 stacks)
1248 silver feathers (19.5 stacks)

*Can use ice cream sandwich as an alternative for ghostly membrane / fairy dust + some lizard tails

*Also the approximate crafts for alchemism, weaponsmithing, tailoring, armouring and cooking
*Also I crafted wands mostly, as it was easier (for me) to get lots of wood over string due to the resource regeneration. I don't know if there's any difference in xp between bows and wands, I don't think there is.

3 crafts

6 oak wood, 3 wheat string
6 rotten flesh, 12 forest webs​

6 crafts

24 birch wood, 12 barley string
30 forest webs​

7 crafts

28 willow wood, 14 oat string
24 waterlogged branches, 12 seagull feathers​

*I grinded for branches here (751 -2440), they were much more common than the higher level seagull feathers. Theres not much difference in the xp.

14 crafts

84 acacia wood, 41 malt string
78 waterlogged branches, 6 feathers​

22 crafts

132 spruce wood, 66 hops string
54 waterlogged branches, 78 orc eyes​


14 crafts

56 jungle wood, 28 rye string
44 orc eyes, 40 zombie eyes​

*minimum maybe ~30 orc eyes, until you can use zombie eyes.
**also you can buy zombie eyes 12e each from necromancy merchant at Thanos bazaar.

32 crafts

128 dark wood, 64 millet string
192 zombie eyes (3 stacks)​

57 crafts

285 light wood, 114 decay string (rounds down to 5 and 2 per)(4.4 stacks of wood, 1.8 string)
180 zombie eyes, 162 royal bug blood (~2.6 stacks of each)​

96 crafts

480 pine wood, 192 rice string (7.5 stacks of wood, 3 string)
576 royal bug blood (9 stacks)​

178 crafts

1068 avo wood, 534 sorghum string (16.7 stacks of wood, 8.3 string)
1068 royal bug blood (16.7 stacks)

75 crafts

450 sky wood, 225 hemp string (7 stacks of wood, 3.5 string)
450 royal bug blood (7 stacks)​

6 rotten flesh (can probably just use webs instead)
42 forest webs
156 branches / 18 feathers (~3 stacks combined)
122 orc eyes (2 stacks)
412 zombie eyes (6.4 stacks) (or sugar stick)
2246 royal bug blood (35 stacks)

*Jeweling has the most variation due to the different ways you can level, e.g gold bars to 71, or antic beads, or jadeite. So, depending on what you chose to level with, it may differ from my approximations, (also I crafted necklaces).

3 crafts*

9 gudgeon oil, 3 copper gems
18 webs​

*so I didn't realise that you can use webs at level 1 so i'm not sure if this is right, its just a guess. if its wrong please tell me.

5 crafts

30 trout oil, 10 granite gems
30 forest webs​

7 crafts

42 salmon oil, 14 gold gems
24 forest webs, 18 fake tooth​

10 crafts

90 carp oil, 30 sandstone gems
48 fake tooth (min 6), 12 gold bars

*I had so many spare teeth from grinding gunpowder so I just used them.
*Also you can buy gold bars from merchants in Rymek (16e each)

20 crafts

180 icefish oil, 60 iron gems (3 stacks of oil)
102 tooth, 12 bars​

*maybe like 3 less crafts if you use gold bar all the way.


18 crafts

216 piranha oil, 72 silver gems (3.4 stacks of oil)
96 fake tooth, 12 bars​

*maybe like 3 less crafts again? idk.

32 crafts

192 koi oil, 64 cobalt gems (3 stacks of oil)
144 gold bars, 24 pillaged fragments (from grinding ghostly essence), 24 antic beads

*This is where it starts to get interesting, really I just used whatever I had, but you can definitely use gold bars, would just require more of them and more materials.

39 crafts

273 gylia oil, 78 kanderstone gems (rounds down to 7 and 2 per) (4.3 stacks of oil)
~24 bead, ~30 lost talisman, ~180 stack of coins (3 stacks)​

*ok I used 12 beads (used t2 mats here), 24 jades 72 lost talisman, 102 stack of coins
However with t1 mats,
to get 73: ~24 bead, ~30 lost talisman , then to 80: ~180 stack of coins (3 stacks)

**so I grinded ingredients at this spot in Dernel Jungle (-625 -474).
There are mobs which drop lost talisman (skeletons), antic beads (tribal raindancers) and native jadeite (raindancers and nature spirits). Decent spot I think.
Stacks of coins can be dropped from bandits around Cinfras, i grinded around the back of Cinfras.

68 crafts

476 bass oil, 136 diamond gems (7.4 stacks, 2.1 stacks)
228 stacks of coins (3.6 stacks), 180 ivory tusks (3 stacks)​

113 crafts

1017 molten oil, 339 molten gems (15.9 stacks, 5.3 stacks)
678 ivory tusks (10.6 stacks)

42 crafts

378 starfish oil, 126 voidstone gems (5.9 stacks, 2 stacks)
252 ivory tusks (3.9 stacks)​

Again this is just what I used, you can use whatever you have, e.g gold bars to 71 candy button.
72 webs
264 fake tooth (min ~24)
180 gold bars (need more if less teeth and/or don't use anything else til lost talisman)
**candy button
24 pillaged fragments
48 antic bead
24 native jadeite
72 lost talisman
330 stacks of coins (5.1 stacks) (or pure rainstone)*
1110 ivory tusks (17.3 stacks)

*I preferred grinding stacks of coins over pure rainstone as it felt much longer to grind rainstone, don't be afraid to test for yourself tho.
**Can use candy button after gold bars, as far as you are willing to go (maybe even to ivory tusk).

*I crafted leggings, easier to get ingots. You can do whatever combination, just refer to the number of crafts.

3 crafts

6 copper ingot, 3 wheat string
18 forest webs

6 crafts

24 granite ingot, 12 barley string
36 forest webs​

7 crafts

28 gold ingot, 14 oat string
6 forest webs, 36 bone meal​

12 crafts

72 sandstone ingot, 36 malt string
72 cracked skin​

21 crafts

126 iron ingots, 63 hops string
36 cracked skin, 36 orc eyes, 54 snow clump

*yeah probably don't need to use orc eyes at all, just use extra cracked skin until snow clump


17 crafts

68 silver ingots, 34 rye string
60 snow clumps, 42 zombie eyes​

32 crafts

128 cobalt ingots, 64 millet string
192 zombie eyes​

60 crafts

300 kanderstone, 120 decay string (4.6 stacks, 2 stacks)
270 zombie eyes(4.2 stacks), 90 gert skin​

93 crafts

465 diamond ingots, 186 rice string (7.3 stacks, 3 stacks)
474 gert skin(7.4 stacks), 84 hunters disguise​

176 crafts

1056 molten ingots, 528 sorghum string (16.5 stacks, 8.25 stacks)
1056 wybel fluff (16.5 stacks)​

66 crafts

396 voidstone ingots, 198 hemp string (6.2 stacks, 3.1 stacks)
396 wybel fluff (6.2 stacks)

60 forest webs
36 bone meal
108 cracked skin
36 orc eyes *feel free to skip orc eyes with maybe 18/24 extra cracked skin
114 snow clump
504 zombie eyes (7.8 stacks) (or licorice ropes)
564 gert skin + 84 hunters disguise (8.8 stacks)
1452 wybel fluff (22.7 stacks)


3 crafts

6 gudgeon meat, 3 wheat grain
18 potatoes​

5 crafts

20 trout meat, 10 barley grain
6 potatoes, 24 pigman meat​

9 crafts

36 salmon meat, 18 oat grain
54 pigman meat​

12 crafts

72 carp meat, 36 malt grain
72 mashed insects​

22 crafts

132 icefish meat, 66 hops grain
66 mashed insects, 66 bandit rations​



18 crafts

72 piranha meat, 36 rye grains
18 bandits rations, 90 stolen harvests

*only need ~18 stolen harvests to get to lizard tails, though you will get plenty of both when grinding in Olux swamp.

31 crafts

124 koi meat, 62 millet grains
42 stolen harvests, 126 lizard tails, 18 leafy stalks​

53 crafts

265 gylia meat (4.1 stacks), 106 decay grains
282 severed hearts (4.4 stacks), 36 pig’s remains

*Alright so now it gets tough, as there are only 3 0star cooking ingredients from 69-90. They are Severed Hearts, Pig’s Remains and Corby’s Innards. I tested them all to see how long it took to get a stack.

Severed hearts were fastest at 10:53 mins, pig’s remains 12:17 mins and Corby’s is not worth even trying. There might be a better spot for them, but idk the spot I tried was terrible.

So, I opted for the pig’s remains, as even though it is a couple minutes longer you get insane amounts of gert skin, some hunters disguise (tailoring) and pigs skulls (armouring). p to you, but imo pigs remains are better because of the extra ingredients (you can probably sell them if you aren’t going to level armouring/tailoring).

UPDATE: Can now possibly skip this horrible grinding using ice cream sandwich and candy button from confectionary merchant at Letvus Airbase.

102 crafts

510 bass meat, 204 rice grains (8 stacks, 3.1 stacks)
612 pig’s remains / severed hearts (gives similar xp, 9.5 stacks)​

175 crafts

1050 molten meat, 525 sorghum grains (16.4 stacks, 8.2 stacks)
552 perkish potatoes (8.6 stacks), 498 manis carapace (7.8 stacks)​

*probably only need around ~400 potatoes, you will need another ~150 manis

67 crafts

402 starfish meat, 201 hemp grains (6.3 stacks, 3.14 stacks (pi in cooking o.o))
402 manis carapace (6.3 stacks)​

24 potatoes
78 pigman meat
138 mashed insects
84 bandit rations
132 stolen harvests (min ~18)
126 lizard tails
18 leafy stalks (can continue with tails instead)
*candy button + ice cream sandwich
282 severed hearts (min 228) (4.4 stacks)
648 pigs remains (or severed hearts)(10.1 stacks)
552 perkish potatoes (8.6 stacks)
900 manis carapace (14 stacks)

*Can use these merchant ingredients, possibly all the way to perkish potatoes.


3 crafts

3 gudgeon oil, 6 wheat grain
18 mushrooms

6 crafts

12 trout oil, 24 barley grain
6 mushrooms, 30 pigman meat​

8 crafts

16 salmon oil, 32 oat grain
24 pigman meat, 24 blaze powder​

11 crafts

33 carp oil, 66 malt grain
42 blaze powder, 24 gunpowder​

17 crafts

51 icefish oil, 102 hops grain
102 gunpowder​


17 crafts

34 piranha oil, 68 rye grain
72 torn skin / cursed venom sack, 30 naga tails​

32 crafts

64 koi oil, 128 millet grain
192 naga tails​

44 crafts

88 gylia oil, 220 decay grains
72 naga tails, 192 myconid spores, 54 royal bug blood

*can use less naga tails (~24) and spores (~138), but will need extra bug blood (~156 total)

100 crafts

200 bass oil, 500 rice grains (3.1, 7.8 stacks)
600 royal bug blood (9.4 stacks)​

199 crafts

597 molten oil, 1194 sorghum grains (9.3, 18.7 stacks)
1194 royal bug blood (18.7 stacks)​

*Not sure why this differs from woodworking by ~20 crafts, I guess alchemism gives less xp than woodworking? Maybe just randomness idk. Let me know if you have any ideas.

75 crafts

225 starfish oil, 450 hemp grains (3.5, 7 stacks)
450 royal bug blood (7 stacks)​

24 mushrooms (red/brown)
54 pigman meat
66 blaze powder
126 gunpowder
72 torn skin / cursed venom sack
294 naga tails (4.6 stacks)
*wybel taffy
192 myconid spores
2298 royal bug blood (36 stacks)

*Can use wybel taffy to skip myconid spores and go straight to royal bug blood.

*I crafted spears, favouring wood over ingots. As said before you can do any combination.

3 crafts

6 oak wood, 3 copper ingots
18 rotten flesh​

6 crafts

24 birch wood, 12 granite ingots
36 rotten flesh​

7 crafts

28 willow wood, 14 gold ingots
42 waterlogged branches​

12 crafts

72 acacia wood, 36 sandstone ingots
12 waterlogged branches, 60 gritty rocks​

19 crafts

114 spruce wood, 57 iron ingots
6 gritty rocks, 108 wolf fangs​


17 crafts

68 jungle wood, 34 silver ingots
30 wolf fang, 72 zombie eyes​

32 crafts

128 dark wood, 64 cobalt ingots
192 zombie eyes (3 stacks)​

56 crafts

280 light wood (4.4 stacks), 112 kanderstone ingots
108 zombie eyes, 228 gollier iron (3.6 stacks)​

100 crafts

500 pine wood, 200 diamond ingots (7.8, 3.1 stacks)
600 gollier iron (9.4 stacks)​

201 crafts

1206 avo wood, 603 molten ingots (18.8, 9.4 stacks)
1206 gollier iron (18.8 stacks)​

76 crafts

456 sky paper, 228 voidstone ingots (7.1, 3.6 stacks)
456 gollier iron (7.1 stacks)​

54 rotten flesh
54 water logged branches
66 gritty rocks
138 wolf fangs
300 zombie eyes (4.7 stacks) (or big jaw breaker)
2490 gollier iron (38.9 stacks)

*I crafted helmets as wood was easier to get in bulk. (I think you get the idea by now).
*Also I used a bunch of misc ingredients after level 70 that I got from levelling the other crafting. If you are only levelling armouring, it would be advisable to grind gollier iron. Anyway, it gives us some data on how ingredient level/tier changes xp gained.

3 crafts

6 oak paper, 3 copper ingots
18 wool​

6 crafts

24 birch paper, 12 granite ingots
36 wool​

9 crafts

36 willow paper, 18 gold ingots
6 wool, 48 bone meal​

11 crafts

66 acacia paper, 33 sandstone ingots
66 cracked skin​

23 crafts

138 spruce paper, 69 iron ingots
138 cracked skin


20 crafts

80 jungle paper, 40 silver ingots
42 cracked skin, 78 zombie eyes​

32 crafts

128 dark paper, 64 cobalt ingots
192 zombie eyes (3 stacks)​

46 crafts

230 light paper, 92 kanderstone ingots
84 elemental crystals (from myconid spores), 120 gollier iron, 72 pigs skulls (from pigs remains / gert skin)​

*saved ~6 crafts using pigs skull (1star) ingredient over gollier
*saved ~4 crafts using elemental crystals (lvl 70 1star) over zombie eyes
Therefore ~10 extra crafts if you use zombie eyes + gollier
extra needed -> 20 ingots, 50 paper, 60 ingredients

85 crafts

425 pine paper, 170 diamond ingots (6.6, 2.7 stacks)
246 pig skulls (3.8 stacks), 264 robot antennas (4.1 stacks)​

*saved ~15 crafts
extra needed -> 30 ingots, 75 paper, 90 ingredients

170 crafts

1020 avo paper, 510 molten ingots
936 turtle shells, 60 plat ingots, 36 stone platings​

*saved ~30 crafts
extra needed -> 90 ingots, 180 paper, 180 ingredients

77 crafts

462 sky wood, 231 void stone ingots (7.2, 3.6 stacks)
462 gollier iron (7.2 stacks)​

*ran out of other armouring ingredients here and just used gollier iron

60 w00l
48 bone meal
246 cracked skin (3.8 stacks)
270 zombie eyes (4.2 stacks) (or cocoa caps)

Misc Ingredients I used
84 elemental crystals
120 gollier iron
318 pigs skulls (5 stacks)
264 robot antennas (4.1 stacks)
936 turtle shells (14.6 stacks)
60 plat ingots
36 stone platings
462 gollier iron (7.2 stacks)
=total 582 gollier (9 stacks)

Standard Ingredients
~108 more zombie eyes
~2490 gollier iron (38.9 stacks)

Comparisons and Extra Stuff

Guide - Crafting Guide 1-103 - All The Materials And Ingredients You Need! [completed] (1)
*armouring would be closer to weaponsmithing if standard ingredients were used.

Doing some maths, over 3 hours was spent just crafting lol.

I started this guide with my gathering skills at 113 0%xp, they are now...
Fishing: 57%
Woodcutting: 52%
Mining: 47%
Farming: 90%

So I didn't level up at all, though I probably would've if I used hunted. It does show that wood and ingots are more common on the market, whereas I grinded all the string and grain myself (sorghum ;-;).

Some more stats...
375 stacks of ingredients were used, 9 bank pages.
483 stacks of materials, 11.5 bank pages.

A summary spreadsheet created by @_hugh (currently levels 1-50)

So thats it, I hope you find this helpful or that it makes levelling up a bit easier. If you notice anything that's wrong, or you have any questions feel free to reply or message me. If you have any suggestions to improve the thread just say. Anyways, thanks for reading:)

Also, are you interested in how long it will take to grind 17 stacks of ivory tusks or 35 stacks of bug blood? If so, feel free to check out my other thread on ingredient grinding where I recorded how long it takes and I compare the classic morph set vs a proper loot set.

@Linnyflower told me about the level 1 forest web crafts and answering many of my questions:)

Edit#1: Added poll and comparison table.
Edit#2: Added Tailoring.
Edit#3: Added Cooking and Alchemism.
Edit#4: Added Weaponsmithing and Armouring, fixed and changed some text. Added cool stats.
Edit#5: Added spreadsheet made by _hugh.
Edit#6: Just a small update making it look a bit nicer by removing unimportant stuff and hopefully making it less confusing.
Edit#7: Added confectionary merchant ingredients.

Father Nut, xPlazma, BeltonFlintlock and 133 others like this.

Guide - Crafting Guide 1-103 - All The Materials And Ingredients You Need! [completed] (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

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Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.