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Is it true that most hospitals want you to remove before surgery?
I just got mine done so they are cute for when I have my c section next week, just trying to do small things for myself before the surgery.
I get gel nails so I’m not sure how to even remove them. The hospital calls the day before surgery and I’m gonna ask then, but just wondering if anyone has ran into this?
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No clue on the c section protocol. But I would not remove the gel nails on your own. I would go back to the salon. I made the mistake of doing that a few years ago and my nails ended up peeling, chipping, and coming off in chunks for the next year or so. It was a nightmare.
Can you ask the doctor what’s their rules ahead of time?
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I had a shellac mani and pedi before my first (scheduled csection) as well as before my second (VBAC). No issues either time. Not sure why nail polish would affect anything.. unless it has metal in it?
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The nail polish can interfere with the oxygen readings, maybe have a light color !? I know with red nails or black it’s really hard to get O2 readings
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I’m scheduled for a c-section next week and was told to remove all nail polish & jewelry for the c-section
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I asked this with my last C section. I chose a nail polish free pregnancy and wanted to go and get my nails done (gel) right before I went in as a last little hurrah for myself. My dr told me at one of my last appts that it can affect the oxygen reading they put in your finger and she asked that I just wait and go after baby was born �� I was so bummed.
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Thank you everyone! I will ask my dr when they call before surgery, there’s no way I can take them off myself lol I will kill my nail beds for sure! That’s so weird but makes sense, just something that caught me off guard!
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Definitely don't take them off yourself, but ask the doctor before you take them off at all. You may only need one finger available for the pulse ox. (That was the case when my daughter had surgery, so they just removed the nail polish on one of her fingers.)
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I’ve had 2 sections and the last one I had pink polish on and there was no problem. I asked my doctor about it this week and she said you could leave it off one finger if I wanted but wasn’t necessary that they may use my toe or take polish off if it was an issue. But again, it wasn’t an issue with my last so I will be doing it again. I wouldn’t worry if I were you.
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I asked my Dr last week about nail polish, she said they can work around it. So I'm getting my nails done before my c section haha
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They can work around it!!! dark colors like black and red MIGHT trip up the readings though. Just a heads up(:
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