3.1 Student Status and Residence
3.1.1 A student is a person registered by the University on an approved, course of study. Once registered, they will remain a student until one of the following occurs:
(i) Successful completion of the course is formally confirmed and recorded on AStRA.
(ii) Academic failure is formally confirmed and recorded with no further opportunities to retrieve the failure.
(iii) The student is excluded permanently on financial, disciplinary or other grounds.
(iv) Expiry of the final deadline for completion of a course.
(v) The death of the student.
(vi) The formal approval and recording of an application for permanent withdrawal from the course by the student.
(vii) The failure of the student to re-register as required each academic session; such students shall be deemed to have permanently withdrawn in the absence of any information to the contrary.
3.1.2 The University shall provide certification of student status for all registered students. However, this cannot be done for the following groups:
(i) Students who have temporarily withdrawn or been temporarily excluded from their course. During the period of withdrawal or exclusion they remain candidates for the award but are not registered or pursuing their studies. The University can confirm (for example, for the purpose of UK Council Tax exemption) that they have not completed or permanently left their course. This includes students undertaking internships or years in employment which are not part of their course of study.
(ii) Postgraduate students in a ‘writing-up’ or resubmission period who have completed the registration period required for the degree are no longer recorded as registered students but remain candidates for the degree and can be certified as such. Certificates of exemption from Council Tax can be provided on request to full-time PhD and MPhil students for 12 months and 6 months respectively of their writing up periods.
3.1.3 To be certified as a full-time student, the student must at the time be registered as a full-time candidate for the award. Certification will normally confirm the mode of study (full-time, part-time, distance learning etc.).
3.1.4 All full-time students are required to be resident within reasonable daily travelling distance of the campus at which they are studying and being available to attend any scheduled activities within normal teaching hours). For undergraduate students, this applies during term time; students should also ensure they are available to undertake resit exams during the summer resit period to retrieve any failed credits before the next academic session begins.
3.1.5 Full-time taught Master’s students are required to be resident within reasonable daily travelling distance from the campus during the full twelve months of their courses. However, students may leave Aberystwyth during the project/dissertation phase, provided that they attend all required teaching sessions, have completed all required laboratory work, make arrangements for supervision to be delivered remotely, and have the approval of their department. Student Visa sponsored students will need to contact the Compliance Office to discuss the implications for their sponsorship of leaving Aberystwyth.
3.1.6 All full-time students are expected to be resident within reasonable travelling distance of Aberystwyth. In line with research Council expectations, research postgraduates should be resident for 44 weeks each academic year, during their registration period. It is important that students are available to take part in compulsory activities, such as research training, as well as to take advantage of other opportunities for personal and career development, and to benefit from being part of a community of research staff and students within departments and Institutes, and the wider university.
Additionally, visas and financial sponsors may stipulate residence requirements over and above those set by the University, which must be adhered to.
Certain exceptions to this requirement are built in to specific programmes of study, including the following arrangements (NB – this is not an exhaustive list):
(i) Split site PhDs, where the student spends part of the period of study at a partner university
(ii) Internal PhDs, where the student is full-time but based elsewhere
(iii) Collaborative projects, where the student may be based entirely in another location
(iv) Funded projects, where the nature of the research dictates that the student must be located elsewhere
(v) Approved fieldwork, which require a student to spend significant periods of time elsewhere
Registered full-time research students who wish to spend more than two months away from Aberystwyth in an academic year, for purposes unrelated to their research project, require the approval of their Faculty Associate Dean (Research) and the Head of the Graduate School. There may be exceptional circ*mstances which warrant such a request but the student must show that:
(vi) They are able to attend the University for any compulsory activities
(vii) They are able to maintain close contact with the supervisory team
(viii) They are able to maintain satisfactory progress in their research
Such cases will be carefully monitored by the Faculties at their regular monitoring meetings, and students who are not progressing satisfactorily may be advised that they need to return to Aberystwyth, take temporary withdrawal, or be prevented from continuing with their research under the Academic Regulation on Academic Progress.
3.1.7 Students holding Student Visas to study in the UK also have to meet Home Office requirements for residency in Aberystwyth for the duration of their CAS and must not be resident elsewhere in the UK.
3.1.8 These residency requirements shall not apply where students are undertaking approved fieldwork, research, work experience or other activity as part of their programme which require them to reside elsewhere. In addition, collaborative and distance learning programmes may be approved where students will be resident elsewhere for part or all of their studies.
3.2 Regulations relating to University Residences
3.2.1 Students should note that University Residences have additional regulations, incorporated in the University’s Accommodation Licence and Resident's Handbook, which form part of these University Regulations and are subject to the University’s Student Disciplinary Procedure. Further information can be found at https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/academic-registry/handbook/student-discipline/
3.3 General Regulations of the University
3.3.1 Students other than those referred to below must return to University by the first day of each term, and must register at the start of each academic year. Postgraduate students whose registration begins on a date other than the first day of the academic year must register before beginning their course.
3.3.2 All students in Aberystwyth are encouraged to register with a local GP in order to access 24 hour health care.Prior registration is not required. Private health insurance can also be obtained. Further information on health services for EEA and non-EEA students may be found in the Information for Students publication.
3.3.3 NOTE: Requirements on attendance at classes and the submission of written work are indicated in:
(i) The Academic Regulation on Academic Progress, which is available on the Web (https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/regulations/academic-progress/);
(ii) Departmental statements which are distributed to students each year.
Fraudulent use of attendance monitoring systems could lead to disciplinary action under the Rules and Regulations for Students.
3.3.4 Student Support and Careers Service must be informed immediately if there is an outbreak of any infectious disease in a house or flat or if a student is seriously ill.
3.3.5 Students must inform their departments of all special circ*mstances, personal or medical, that may affect their academic performance by completing a ‘Special Circ*mstances Form’, ensuring they submit it along with all appropriate supporting evidence at the time they are affected.
3.3.6 Students must update their student record immediately upon any change to their home and term-time addresses. Students must also provide emergency contact details. Student records can be accessed here: https://studentrecord.aber.ac.uk/en/login.php
3.3.7 Smoking
Smoking is prohibited in all University buildings, semi-enclosed building entrances and outside entrances, windows and other areas where smoke could enter a building.
3.3.8 Purchases
Goods or services must not be purchased by students on behalf of the University. Purchases on behalf of the Students’ Union or student societies must be made only by persons authorised to act on their behalf.
3.3.9 Telephones University telephones must not be used by students for private calls.
3.3.10 Data Protection registering, all students should note how the University processes their personal data by reading the privacy notice for students: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/about-us/corporate-information/information-governance/data-protection/student-privacy-notice/
Students must not construct or maintain computer files containing data relating to identifiable living persons for use in connection with their academic studies or research without the express authority of an appropriate member of staff. When given such authority students must abide by the Data Protection Principles in all cases where they use or encounter personal data controlled by the University. Skateboards, roller skates, roller blades, cycles or similar items of equipment
The use of skateboards, roller skates, roller blades or similar items of equipment is prohibited on all University premises and grounds; cycles must only be used on roadways. Exceptions to this regulation for sporting events may be granted on application to the Sports Centre (for facilities managed by the Centre) or the Director of Finance and Corporate Services (or deputised authority) (for all other locations). Personal electronic equipment
Personal electronic equipment (for example, laptop computers) must not be connected to the mains power supply where it causes a health and safety hazard in teaching or other space. Local rules will apply in workstation rooms, libraries, Estates, Facilities & Residences facilities and academic department space (such as laboratories).
3.4 Regulations in Respect of Motor Vehicles
3.4.1 The roads on the University campus are private roads and vehicles are allowed to be parked thereon only at the express understanding that they are entirely at the owner’s risk and that the University will not be responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever which may occur.
3.4.2 Students bringing motor vehicles, including motor cycles, on to all University campuses must obey the law and observe the Highway Code applicable to vehicles taken on to public roads. No unlicensed, uninsured or unroadworthy vehicles shall be brought on to University campuses or other University property.
3.4.3 Vehicles must not be parked on University campuses or on other University property, except in authorised places.
3.4.4 No student may park a vehicle on any University campus or any other University ground without an official parking permit unless authorised otherwise by Campus Security.Parking permits are valid only for the academic session or accommodation licence period (as relevant). Parking permits relate to specific car park zones. Applications for permits must be made each session to Campus Services Security. For further information on parking permits, car parks, enforcement and parking rules & regulations, visit www.aber.ac.uk/en/parking
3.4.5 Learner drivers must not drive within University grounds, whether accompanied by an instructor or not.
3.4.6 Drivers must observe the speed limit of 20 mph.
3.4.7 Drivers of vehicles must stop when signalled to do so by any duly authorised member of the University staff.
3.5 Regulations Relating to the Use of Sports Facilities
3.5.1 Students must have paid the appropriate fee or possess the appropriate membership status to be eligible to use sports facilities.
3.5.2 Students must be prepared to produce their membership cards on request by a member of the Sports Centre Staff.
3.5.3 Students must be appropriately dressed for their sports activity.
3.5.4 Students must ensure that their equipment conforms to the safety specifications laid down by the governing body of their sport.
3.5.5 Students who have a medical condition that is likely to put them or others at risk during physical activity must inform the person responsible for that activity.
3.5.6 Students are expected to abide by the Sport Centre’s terms and conditions of membership to which they sign up. Further regulations exist in respect of the use of specific sports facilities. These are part of, and subject to, the University Disciplinary Procedure set out in Section 5 below.
3.6 Information Services Regulations
IS regulations can be found at: https://www.aber.ac.uk/en/is/regulations/isregs/
3.7 Regulations Relating to the Payment of Tuition and Other Fees
3.7.1 It is a condition of admission to a degree or the award of a diploma or a certificate that all tuition fees due to the University have been paid.
3.7.2 Each student remains individually liable for all fees, debts and other charges payable to the University on his or her behalf. The fact that a body representative of students or any other body has advised non-payment or any other course of action that threatens to involve the University in financial loss does not affect this individual responsibility.
3.7.3 Students not in receipt of financial assistance towards their tuition fees will remain liable for the full amount of those fees, e.g. from a loans agency or other sponsor.
3.7.4 All official offers of admission to postgraduate study shall be made by the University. Applications must be submitted throughthe appropriate methods and applicants are required to satisfy the University that they have adequate finance to pay the fees. This regulation shall apply both to entrants new to the University and to graduates from the University.
3.7.5 A change of registration which increases the duration of a postgraduate course shall be regarded as a new admission, and shall be subject to the checks required in 3.7.4 above.
3.7.6 Students required to repeat a year in consequence of academic failure or other circ*mstances may not do so unless they can satisfy the University that adequate finance is available to meet their fees.
3.7.7 Any student who has not paid tuition fees may no longer receive the emoluments of any fellowship, studentship, scholarship or prize awarded by the University.
3.7.8 Students who have not paid their tuition fees, may be subject to one or more of the following sanctions:
(i) withdrawal of the right to use University facilities;
(ii) loss of right of progression to the next academic year;
(iii) loss of right to be presented for any University qualification;
(iv) loss of right to attend the graduation ceremony;
(v) cancellation of registration at the University.
3.7.9 Action may be taken through the Courts for the recovery of students' debts to the University.
3.7.10 Interest at not more than the normal bank rate may be charged on any outstanding fees due to the University from the date from which the fees are due.
3.7.11 Students become liable to pay tuition fees in full at the start of each academic year. Students may, with the approval of the Director of Finance and Corporate services, pay their tuition fees in instalments. Please refer to http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/student-finance/undergraduate-uk/tuition-fees/how-to-pay/ for full payment options. The University reserves the right to demand immediate payment of any outstanding sums notwithstanding any agreement to pay in instalments.
3.8 Regulations Relating to Fees for University Accommodation
3.8.1 A student's acceptance of an offer of a place in University accommodation constitutes a binding contract to occupy that place for a complete session unless otherwise specified.
The student is then liable to pay the fees for the whole of the licence period. Where exceptions have been made allowing a student to leave on approved medical or welfare grounds the student remains liable to pay the fees due for the whole of the period for which they have been in residence or otherwise responsible for the accommodation.
3.8.2 Acceptance of a place in University accommodation binds the student to comply in all respects with the terms and conditions of occupancy set out in the Accommodation Licence Agreement for the relevant academic year. The University reserves the right to demand immediate payment of any outstanding sums notwithstanding any agreement to pay in instalments.
3.8.3 It is a condition of the contract under which a student is admitted to University accommodation that all accommodation fees are paid by the due date.
3.8.4 Supplementary charges may be made to compensate for any loss suffered by the halls account by failure of a student or students to pay fees on the due date.Further information on the supplementary charges can be found on theAccommodation Website - http://www.aber.ac.uk/en/campus-services/
3.8.5 Students who have not paid accommodation fees may be subject to the following sanction:
(i) Eviction due to breach of the terms of the Accommodation Licence Agreement;
(ii) Loss of right to receive further University accommodation;
(iii) Retention of accommodation deposit;
(iv) Referral of debt to external debt collection agency.
3.9 Regulations in Respect of the Students’ Union
3.9.1 Students using the premises of the Students' Union or any property belonging to the Students' Union or other student organisation in the University are subject to the Rules and Regulations of the University. They are also subject to the Rules and Regulations of the Students' Union or such other student organisation when using the premises of the Students' Union or property belonging to the Students' Union or any other student organisation or when attending meetings or other functions or events arranged by the Students' Union or any other organisation of students.
3.10 Email accounts and web logs
3.10.1 E-mail is utilised as the main form of communication with students and all students are expected to read their e-mails regularly.
3.10.2 In strictly controlled circ*mstances the University may access students' email accounts and web logs as part of an investigation into a specific allegation of unfair practice or if it is suspected that students have contravened University Regulations or have broken the law.