Tales Of Berseria Expedition Guide - GamersHeroes (2024)

Tales Of Berseria Expedition Guide - GamersHeroes (1)
One of the most rewarding side activities in Tales of Berseria is Expeditions. This Tales Of Berseria Expedition Guide will tell you everything you need to know to send your ship out on successful voyages to bring back rare and valuable treasures, brand new skills for your crew to use and the odd bit of vendor trash.

The Expedition system in Tales Of Berseria can be accessed through the in-game menu, although it is not unlocked initially. You need to progress through the main story until you reach Port Zekson. Once you reach this area you’ll be told to speak with the First Mate for more information on using the ship to explore the wider seas, Expeditions.

Tales Of Berseria Expedition Guide

Expedition’s take 30 minutes to return from when you first send the ship. The Return Time will continue to reduce regardless of whether you’re in combat or on the main menu so it’s great to use Expedition’s when you’re progressing through the game but as you can also just sit on the menu, you can do it while you’re AFK doing something else. There are a number of different areas that you can send your ship to explore, each offering different rewards and needing different requirements. Below is a list of the areas we’ve explored with the Expedition mode in Tales of Berseria alongside information about rewards and other useful tidbits.

Note: The items you receive when you go on an Expedition are random. We have included related information, such as required level to find different treasures, but for specific treasures you may need to run the Expedition a few times. For information on the different skills you can unlock, check the bottom of the post.

Leymon Sea

The Leymon Sea area is the first area available to you and is unlocked automatically. The rewards include a couple of cooking materials, a cooking recipe, a treasure for a skill and an attachment. Some of the rarer items don’t seem to drop at level 1 so as soon as you reach level 2 head to the Diomell Islands before returning at level 3 to grab the final remaining rewards.

Treasures & Materials

  • Tuna
  • Soy Sauce
  • Dried Fish
  • Pirate Flag: Nameless
  • Sea Monster Matter
  • Red Jeweled Pendent (Unlocks Skill Rangetsu Basic Training)
  • Fresh Fish Pirate Platter (Food Recipe)
  • Spyglass (Attachment. Found During Level 3 Expedition)
  • Route to the Diomell Islands

Diomell Islands

  • Twin Shark
  • Lemon
  • Flower Badge (Level 6 Required)
  • Pirate Flag: Storm Crew
  • Ramfish Horn (Level 4 required)
  • Twins Clothes (Unlocks Skill Scholarly Drive)
  • Twin Shark Meuniere (Food Recipe)
  • Colored Sunglasses (Attachment)
  • Route to the Exsphere Sea

Exsphere Sea

  • Mystery Meat
  • Bread Crumbs
  • Animal Figurine
  • Pirate Flag: Seiren Crew
  • Nautilus Shell
  • Yggdrasill Goddess Statue (Unlocks Skill Unyielding)
  • Dwarven Salisbury Surprise (Food Recipe)
  • Mini-Lloyd (Attachment)
  • Route to the Asras Sea

Asras Sea

  • Albatross Meat
  • Garlic
  • Fake Food
  • Pirate Flag: Sea Snakes
  • Fantastic Landscape (Unlocks Skill Slot Expansion)
  • Fried Albatross (Food Recipe)
  • Frameless Glasses
  • Route to Kanonno Island

Kanonno Island

  • Potato
  • Mayonnaise
  • Pirate Flag: Drake & Co
  • Stalwart Crab Shell (Level 10 Required)
  • Portrait Of The Three Guardians (Level 10 Required, Unlocks Skill Disciple Of The Sail Lubber Class)
  • Chunky Potato Salad (Food Recipe)
  • Swordsman’s Eyepatch (Level 10 Required)
  • Route to the Normin Islands

Normin Islands

  • Normin Carrot
  • Rock Salt
  • Small Conqueror Statue
  • Pirate Flag: Mirage Crew
  • Fresh-Squeezed Normin Carrots
  • Route To Soma Volcano

Soma Volcano

  • Lizard Tail
  • Pepper
  • Sleepy-Princess Picture Book
  • Pirate Flag: Barracuda Crew
  • Spiria Core Crystal (Unlocks Skill Fortunetelling Trickery)
  • Lizard Tail Steak
  • Swimwear (Rokurou)
  • Route To Barbatos Archipelago

Barbatos Archipelago

  • Barbatos Butter
  • Sugar
  • Lucky Cat
  • Pirate Flag: Hound Hunters
  • Lockjaw Fang
  • Bone Mask (Unlocks Skill The Mistresses Support)
  • Berkserker’s Palmier (Food Recipe)
  • Route to the Force Islands

Force Islands

  • Cabbage
  • Worcestershire Sauce
  • Moonstone
  • Pirate Flag: Morrigan Crew
  • Antique Tarot Cards (Unlocks Skill Rangetsu Special Training)
  • Crispy Stir-Fried Vegetables (Food Recipe)
  • Swimwear (Velvet)
  • Route to Amarcian Subcontinent

Amarcian Subcontinent

  • Mole Meat
  • Wine
  • Princess Stories Collection
  • Pirate Flag: Cachalot Crew
  • Brookite Fish Fin
  • Valkines Cryas Trinket (Unlocks Skill The Master Of Trivia)
  • Three-Meat Ragu Sauce
  • Ear Muffs
  • Route to the Crystaliron Sea

Crystaliron Sea

  • Fluffy Milk
  • Leek
  • Gemini Shell
  • Pirate Flag: Bastion Crew
  • Rock-headed Fish Helmet
  • Oresoren Brothers (Unlocks Skill Grit And Guts)
  • Orosoren Vichyssoise (Food Recipe)
  • Black Shiba Inn Tail
  • Route to Centurion Isles

Centurion Isles

  • Wyvern tendor
  • Sake
  • Eau de Seduction
  • Pirate flag: Legionis crew
  • Sail-winged eagle feather
  • Crimson Crystal treasure
  • Wyvern tendor stew recipe
  • Swimwear Laphicet
  • Route to Teepo Island

Teepo Island

  • Celery
  • Cured Anchovy
  • Long Dau Dictionary
  • Pirate flag: Atlas Crew
  • Lantern Jellyfish Stinger
  • Snow globe of growth treasure
  • Bazonga veggie bagna cauda recipe
  • Devil wings attachment
  • route to Kresnik island

Kresnik island

  • Zucchini
  • Olive oil
  • Kitty Krisps
  • pirate flag: catnip crew
  • Tesla fish scale
  • Glowing gear treasure
  • Feline Emperor Ratatouille recipe
  • Swimwear Eizen
  • route to the Krityan Archipelago

Krityan Archipelago

  • Gale and razor rice
  • mussel
  • Awesome flag
  • pirate flag: swashbuckler crew
  • Oblivion Butterfly wing-plate
  • Bodhi Blastia Bracelet treasure
  • Barghest Paelia recipe
  • Fluffy Repede attachment
  • route to Cheagle Island

Cheagle Island

  • Rappig meat
  • Tomato
  • Tataroo grass
  • pirate flag: Renault crew
  • Bladefish dorsal fin
  • Replica key of Lorelai treasure
  • Rappig and tomato stew recipe
  • Right-swept bangs attachment
  • Route to the Isles of Noct and Dia

Isles of Noct and Dia

  • dream herring
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Gel de L’amour
  • pirate flag: Rolling Crew
  • Readbeard kraken
  • eyemoon and star earrings treasure
  • Zesty Dream Herring Marinade recipe
  • Swimwear Magilou
  • route to Albane


  • Mythic egg
  • Ketchup
  • fine woodblock print
  • Pirate flag: neptune’s navy
  • Yamato whale Whisker
  • Cleric staff treasure
  • Mythic egg and rice omelet recipe
  • hibiscus corsage attachment
  • route to the Swordian Peninsula

Swordian Peninsula

  • Rainbow nautilus
  • Virgin olive oil
  • Lens
  • pirate flag: Cumulonimbus crew
  • Poseidon spine
  • Eye of Atamoni statue treasure
  • Garlic rainbow nautilus recipe
  • Swimwear Eleanor
  • route to the Quickie Peninsula

Quickie Peninsula

  • Melon
  • Chocolate Sauce
  • Navigation Tool
  • pirate flag: Oceanus crew
  • Glinting Glitterfish Glitter
  • Model Craymel Cage treasure
  • heavenly fruit parfait recipe
  • royal crown attachment

Expedition Skills – How To Unlock & What They Do

Expedition Skills are rare and valuable skills that your crew can learn to improve the results, safety and speed of your Expeditions. Skills are applied randomly to your next Expedition so once a skill is unlocked, you do not have to assign it or use it in any way. There are 20 different Expedition Skills in total, in corresponding with a specific treasure. For example, when you locate the Red Jeweled Pendent from Leymon Sea you will unlock the Rangetsu Basic Training skill.

Rangetsu Basic Training: Provides very small increase in experience points for an Expedition
Scholarly Drive: Increases the chances of finding food on an Expedition
Unyielding: Small increase to victory rate
Skill Slot Expansion: Two Skills may be triggered at once
Fortunetelling (Trickery): Increases the chance of finding rare food
Disciple Of The Sail (Lubber Class): Reduces dispatch time
The Mistresses Support: Increase chance to trigger a skill
Rangetsu Special Training: Provides better increase in experience points for an Expedition
The Master Of Trivia: Increases the amount of food found
Grit And Guts: Increases victory rate

If you have any skills/routes not listed, please post a comment and I’ll update the guide. Massive thanks to CentClip for helping to fill out the last remaining several areas and missing items.


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Tales Of Berseria Expedition Guide - GamersHeroes (2024)


What is the max level in Tales of Berseria Expedition? ›

PlayStation 4. PCPlayStation 3

25 is the maximum level for expedition.

Is anything missable in Tales of Berseria? ›

The game counts chests opened only the first time you open them toward the trophy, so technically the ones in the Earthpulse are missable considering you can't go back there. The items in them are not missable, but the chests themselves are.

Where is the best place to level up in Tales of Berseria? ›

The place that will reward with the best experience per mob would be the extra dungeon (after the final story boss), but depending on your time to finish the fight, the use of dangerous encounters or not, your skill with the geo board and your team composition, the best experience per minute might change.

How many endings are there in Tales of Berseria? ›

There's not, Tales never had multi-endings and mostly are sad/ambiguous stuff. Zestiria had two endings, there was a bad ending you could unlock halfway into the game by being stronger than intended.

Does difficulty matter in Tales of Berseria? ›

Higher difficulties also affect drop rates, so you get more equipment in general. A lot of it will likely be useless or inefficient to you though, and you'll often have to spend time filtering unwanted equipment if you like to fight a lot. Yeah, you often get 4 or 5 pieces of equipment after battle.

How long before Zestiria is Berseria? ›

Berseria takes places in the Holy Midgand Empire, a powerful country that rules over this world's archipelago of a continent. The game's world is shared with Tales of Zestiria, although the events occur 1000 years before the latter.

Is Tales of Zestiria better than Berseria? ›

Play Zestiria if you like to tinker with mechanics and crafting as well as solving puzzles and playing casters and learn to play them efficiently (Malevolence crucibles are great for gitting gud). Play Berseria if you more of an action/fighting player and you find making long-ass combos with special attacks satisfying.

Is Berseria a prequel to Zestiria? ›

A: As Faith said, it's set in the same world as Zestiria, long before the Zestiria game and serves as a prequel/origin story which will tie indirectly into the events of Zestiria.

Is Zestiria and Berseria connected? ›

Zestiria is more self-focused, taking place years ahead of Berseria and seemingly disconnected from Phantasia. Berseria, however, has plenty of lore linking it to the same world. One of the first hints that the games are connected is a party member's item.

Should I play Tales of Arise or Berseria first? ›

However, both games have standalone stories with only certain characters having slight connection between both games so it is fine to start with whichever game you want.

How do you get to level 200 in Tales of Berseria? ›

The only way you can reach 200 is in a NG+, also the stats you get from levels 60+ are slightly reduced, and are even further reduced after 100+. If you still want the trophy, just get the 6x experience boost from the grade shop, play your NG+ on either Chaos or intense, and you will hit level 200 soon enough.

How many hours does it take to beat Tales of Berseria? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Tales of Berseria is about 44 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 153 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Is Tales of Arise connected to Berseria? ›

No. There are references and easter eggs for other titles in most games, but unless they are directly related (Berseria + Zestiria / Xilia 1 + 2 / Symphonia + Dawn of the new world) they do not play in the same universe.

Is there any romance in Tales of Berseria? ›

While there are implied feelings occasionally, nothing is official, as the game is plot-based, and romance would simply get in the way of positive messages.

What does Malak mean in Tales of Berseria? ›

A malak (聖隷, seirei?, "holy servant") is a being part of the malakhim race in Tales of Berseria. The malakhim are a tribe of spiritual beings who use the powers of nature and are used as familiars. The future of the malakhim form is that of the seraphim seen in Tales of Zestiria.

What is the highest level in Tales of Berseria? ›

Accepted Answer. 200 is the cap and to get a trophy.

What is the max level adventurer? ›

Players can level up their Adventure Rank to 60 and World Level to 8. After Adventure Rank 60 is reached, each additional point of Adventure EXP gained is instead converted to Mora at a 1:10 ratio.

What is the highest cooking level in Tales of Berseria? ›

Each character has their own cooking level with level 25 being the maximum. The cooking level is unrelated to trophies except for Velvet's as you need to raise her cooking level to level 20 for the The Great Gorger trophy, so make it a habit to let her cook, especially if you set recipes to be used after battles.

How long is the Tales of Berseria campaign? ›

44h 57m


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.