The book that will forever change our ideas about the B… (2024)

D.F. Capps

Author8 books17 followers

February 14, 2015

This is Mauro Biglino's only book to be translated into English, which I think is a shame. I would love to read his other books. We have had the traditional interpretation drummed into our head for so long that we resist anything that is different, which this certainly is. Finally, someone has had the courage to tell people exactly what scripture actually says and what it literally means. What a breath of fresh air!

Truth is a precious commodity in a world of lies, distortions and misinterpretations. It's easy to accept the common notion of religion and faith that we are taught. The truth is hard and disturbing, but ultimately liberating if we have the integrity to search for it and set our illusions aside. This book is a major step in that direction. Before you open this book, you'll need to open your mind. I know it's hard, but it's well worth the effort.

James Crawford

5,672 reviews31 followers

August 16, 2019

This is one of those authors that believes much of what happened in the past and in the Bible actually involved aliens from outer space. The author also supports the idea of Nibiru, the tenth planet of our solar system and a planet that approaches Earth around every 3,600 years, leading to a lot of problems.

Let's look at this first. There is no doubt at all that ancient civilizations kept a very close watch on the skies. They wanted to know when the seasons started. They were able to identify some of the planets without using anything but their eyes and a lot of patience.

They built stone observatories, of a sort, to do that with. They wrote down what they saw. In none of these writings or cultural myths is there anything like another planet coming near to the Earth. These people would have definitely seen it and written it down. There is, for example, a place called Gobleki Tepe (which is utterly fascinating, by the way) that goes back some 14,000 years. One of the stone reliefs that was carved there depicts a comet.

Whether that comet was bright in the sky and passed by or whether it may have hit the Earth somewhere is unknown but it is known that they saw it and recorded it.

Admittedly, science does have a problem keeping track of all the asteroids but that is mainly because the ones that come somewhat near Earth are relatively small. Today's astronomers (who are relatively numerous) and the (again numerous) space satellites would definitely be able to see something as large as a planet.

The aliens came to Earth to get gold.

What? Any civilization that was advanced enough to do interplanetary travel in UFOs would have already figured out how to get by without needing gold. Or maybe they have something like Star Trek's replicators. Either way they would be far more advanced then us.

They constructed mines for the gold and genetically engineered the human begins or pre-humans at the time to work in the mines.

Again, why?

Any civilization as advanced as they were would not need living beings to do the mining. They would have developed the machines, perhaps drones of a type, to do that kind of work for them.

What the book also does is take various quotes from the Bible and interpret them as meaning aliens from space and what they did. The Elohim. The giants. Angels. Sodom and Gomorrah. All involved aliens, according to the author.

The book also gives a history of the universe and earth, starting over 4 billion years ago. Some 450,000 years ago the Annunaki from Niburu came to Earth.

Here, then, is yet another problem. Niburu apparently is supposed to have an orbit that only approaches Earth once every 3,600 years. By the way, another point. If you had a planet like that moving through the solar system then it's gravity would have had some kind of effect on the other planets and especially on the asteroid belt.

Basically, a planet passing anywhere near that belt would exert enough gravity to get a lot of asteroids out of their orbit and a number of these would end up endangering our planet. Probably a bunch at one time yet again there is no record of a bunch of asteroids hitting our planet within the memory of the human race.

Now, back to Niburu. Life of any kind would be very, very unlikely on such a planet. It spends too much time in deep space and would be far too cold for any kind of life as we know it to develop, much less lead to intelligent beings who are supposed to have looked somewhat like humans.

This is all an idea that is not new and is no more possible than any of the other times it's been written about.

I'm not, by the way, saying that no aliens ever visited our planet. If they did, though, they would have come via spaceships and not a Space:1999 type moon or planet.

Victoria Haf

290 reviews78 followers

June 22, 2016

Leí tres libros de este señor porque quería leer algo en italiano, pero sólo pongo uno de ellos porque es básicamente lo mismo sólo que ampliado.

Mauro Biglino es un traductor que se especializa en el antiguo testamento. Cuando yo tomé clases de latín, me di cuenta que la traducción es muy interpretativa ya que una palabra puede tener muchos significados y sutilezas, en el caso del hebreo es peor porque hay formas de escribir sin vocales lo que hace que las palabras tengan un significado más cambiante.
Debo decir que este señor está muy bien documentado y sabe lo suyo, me dieron ganas de releer la biblia, (lo cual, por haber estudiado en una escuela católica no es fácil, le huyo a todo eso) a veces siento que fuerza las cosas para que entre en su interpretación de que SPOILERS: Yahweh es un alien del espacio, pero creo que es válido y tiene sentido, personalmente no creo en los alienígenas antropomórficos ya que no me parecen verosímiles, pero una Biblia de ciencia ficción es mucho más interesante que la que me contaron a mi.

Otra cosa es que leyéndolo, entiendo que el pacto de Dios con el pueblo, fue exclusivamente con el pueblo hebreo y no sé quien nos invitó a los católicos a la fiesta. La iglesia es básicamente la persona que llega a una fiesta a la que no la invitaron y se pone en la puerta y empieza a cobrar dinero por entrar.


107 reviews7 followers

December 10, 2017

I always suggest that people return to the original source when researching any material, the problem with the Bible is it is written in Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek (New Testament). This author, Mauro Biglino, worked for the Vatican and was tasked with the re-translation of the Bible. What he discovered he has published in a series of books. Unfortunately, his books are all in Italian. This eBook, as far as I know, is the only English translation of this book. I was particularly impressed with this book showing photos of the actual ancient Hebrew text and then the author carefully leads the reader in parsing the Right-to-Left text word by word in critical sections. The author suggests that the reader might consider the simplest interpretation of the text, i.e. that one can simply take the ancient text as an ordinary description of events using the language of the times (with the extremely limited understanding of what today we would call "High Technology"). Using this "common sense" approach to "the words mean what they say", rather than trying to tortuously conform the text to pre-existing religious doctrine, the author constructs a narrative that many will find shocking. Namely, that the Elohim (gods) of the Bible are actually extraterrestrials who came to Earth to mine our gold and genetically modified the hominids on Earth to create us, hom*o Sapiens to serve as their slaves. When we became troublesome, they banished us from Eden (Edin). Later they divided Earth into territories governed by various offspring of the original ruler. Readers of Zecharia Sitchin (who translated Sumerian tablets) will be familiar with the same cast of characters. This is not actually surprising because much of the Old Testament is based on Sumerian culture and history. Since I was already familiar with Zecharia Sitchin's work, what surprised me the most about the material presented in this book was the EXTENT that the actual words in the Bible where willfully misinterpreted to fit within the current religious doctrine. I think the "Powers that Be" were confident that modern man just could not uncover their mischief because so few of us can translate the ancient texts and those who can have historically been under the control of the Church. I am surprised that Mauro has survived to tell his tale and it may have to do with the power of the Internet to disseminate knowledge worldwide. Well now, the "Cat is out of the Bag"!

    extraterrestrials religion-spirtuality

Danny De Barba

12 reviews2 followers

January 3, 2016

Da tempo ormai seguo Mauro Biglino nelle sue varie conferenze pubblicate regolarmente dagli utenti di Youtube, di conseguenza conosco molto bene il suo lavoro e tutte le idee che ne derivano.
'Il libro che cambierà per sempre le nostre idee sulla Bibbia' dovrebbe essere la prima pubblicazione nelle vesti di ricercatore "alternativo" e a mio avviso l'opera risente troppo dell'influenza di autori che queste tematiche le hanno già affrontate abbondantemente, come ad esempio Zecharia Sitchin o Alan Alford, giusto per citarne un paio. La prima parte del libro sembra quasi essere un tributo e Mauro Biglino pesca a piene mani dalle teorie di chi lo ha preceduto nel tempo. Nonostante tutto l'analisi effettuata sui testi derivanti dall'Antico Testamento - l'autore in questo è specializzato - sono molto interessanti e aprono visioni a noi "nuove" e per certi versi anche molto estreme.
Consiglio la lettura come base di partenza per approfondire meglio il contenuto della Bibbia perché alcuni aspetti che spesso diamo per scontati invece si rivelano essere tutt'altro e non sto parlando di alieni o disco volanti, ma non vi voglio anticipare nulla.
Critico una parte iniziale di del libro troppo legata alle ipotesi formulate da Zecharia Sitchin e alcune fonti/riferimenti a mio avviso un po' troppo azzardati, vedi il project ISIS.

I want to believe quindi? Sì, ma non troppo e pensate sempre con la vostra testa.

Hal Incandenza

609 reviews

October 7, 2016

Teorie senza dubbio accattivanti, ma non bastano a renderlo un buon libro. Vuole fare divulgazione ma risulta solo confuso e poco lineare. Le continue strizzate d'occhio al lettore "libero da condizionamenti" sono infantili e fastidiose, per essere presi sul serio ci vuole la sostanza e in questo libro ho trovato solo furbizia da due soldi.

Mark Sepulveda

1 review

April 1, 2017

Eye Opener

For many years, I have felt that we weren't being taught everything there was to know about the Bible. I highly recommend this book for all you truthseekers. This book will validate much of what you already thought was true and will even educate you about things you didn't know.

Kat Starwolf

235 reviews11 followers

February 11, 2021


Well, not so much. Not that I hadn’t already determined much of the same thing Biglino has, which was the reason I read this book in the first place. I wanted to see if someone else had come to the same conclusions I had.

I really wanted to give this book at LEAST a 4 star rating, but the fact is – except for the Appendices which are full of useful information – a majority of the ‘proof’ Señor Biglino provided was not obviously evident and it was otherwise challenging to read for several reasons.

And even though I am unable to read ancient Hebrew (yet!), I agree that – based on the research of numerous various scholars that it is definitely suspicious that god’s statement in Genesis of “Let US make man in our image…” etc., certainly DOES seem to imply that he was speaking to someone other than himself indicating that maybe this creature was NOT the One True Creator or Prime Creator as some call him.

The problem is, the Hebrew texts that Mr. Biglino uses as proof of his contention are so ambiguous as to be almost unintelligible. Some of the right words are there, but they’re out of order or out of context. And in my opinion, anyone ‘translating’ and then arranging these texts to say what THEY wish them to say, is as guilty as those who blatantly lie about what they don’t say.

Even Biglino himself admitted that many of the Torah translations, in particular, can be read in a plethora of different ways. So how does one know for sure what the bible actually says? And because bible scholars, historians, archaeologists and other so-called authorities argue over who is right and who isn’t, how do we know if anything that we’ve been told about this book is really true? Even carbon 14 – the standard to which all other dating methods have been compared – has been called into question. So, again, how do we know for sure?

The fact is, we don’t. We’re told what to believe and that it’s true and we’re not supposed to question it. But then when we begin to do the research, we find that none of it hangs together. This happened to me, and it’s happened to many people who WANTED to believe.

Why would anyone want to continue supporting a being who is supposedly a ‘loving god,’ who breaks the covenant he’s made with his own people and kills not only their enemies but them and their children as well? Oh, but he’s a just god who seeks vengeance and recompense from those who have ‘wronged’ him, even from his ‘own people’? Sorry, not buying it. And continuing to thump this alleged book of his words is a form of support.

Don’t get me wrong: I definitely believe in a Creator. I just do NOT believe that the being spoken of in this book that so many fight over, is he. If God is supposed to be loving, this is definitely NOT he.

As for Biglino: I think his heart was in the right place. But his passion for this subject may have made it difficult for him to better articulate his thoughts.

Cora Pop

Author3 books65 followers

March 3, 2022

What makes this book especially fascinating to me is the fact that Mauro Biglino has been studying sacred texts for thirty years and is working as a translator of Ancient Hebrew. Short of learning all the ancient languages oneself (obviously impossible) this is probably the most accurate and closest one can get to the meaning of these texts.

These ideas are not new to me, but the details are. One thing that I liked less is how often the author refers to Zecharia Sitchin. I was a huge fan of Sitchin's work for a very long time, but now I am a lot more skeptical. I really wish Biglino hadn't felt the need to validate his findings so much with Sitchin's claims, because Biglino's translations do stand on their own and get plenty of validation from other ancient texts and from modern knowledge.

Chapter 10 - Inspired by God or by Thoth? makes a lot of sense in view of what is shown in the previous chapters, but at the same time it is perhaps the most difficult to acknowledge in one's heart.

(...) we now look at the development of the religious thought when "gods" did not "walk with men anymore."
direct contact ceased, mankind likely felt abandoned and overwhelmed by anxiety and despair arising from God's evident remoteness.
So, men (Adams) felt the need to replace their gods' physical absence with a new presence, though, of course, they had to create it anew, and certainly it was not an eas task.

A lot of food for thought...

    amazing-ideas ancient-aliens angels

David Ballard

5 reviews

October 14, 2018

Well-researched if somewhat flawed

The parts of the book where the author relies on his ability to translate ancient Hebrew into modern English are the strongest – the parts where he relies on Zechariah Sitchin's inaccurate interpretation of ancient Sumerian cuneiform texts is where the book reaches its lowest level of scholarship. Overall, however, he does a good job of making the case for the still highly controversial theory that the gods and angels referred to you in the Bible were actually highly advanced humanoid beings from another world.


9 reviews3 followers

January 25, 2020

A Must Have For Your Library

I have spent 50 years trying to reconcile glaring inconsistencies in the Christian Bible and dogma. I have read hundreds of books and authors such as Zechariah Sitchen, Gerald Clarke, Eric Von Daniken and countless others. I read (and reread) the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, the RA Material, the Mahabarata, etc., etc. This book still taught me something new. Well worth the price of only for the reference value and concise overall view. Very happy that I purchased it.


146 reviews3 followers

September 10, 2022

Czytając o Biblii postanowiłem przeczytać i interpretację hm... ufologiczną. Albo raczej starożytno-astronautyczną. I chyba dobre dwa tygodnie próbuję zebrać myśli, by jakoś syntetycznie napisać, to tu nie gra. Niestety, problemów jest za dużo.

Generalnie Biglino raczej uprawia cherry picking, niż kłamie, choć i to mu się trafia. Gdybym był księdzem, mógłbym napisać coś w stylu, że próbuje otumanić czytelnika, by go potem odwieść od religii. Cóż, nie jestem księdzem, ale w metodzie Biglino coś takiego jest -- raczej odwieść, niż przywieść; raczej zadziwić i otumanić, niż dać spójny wykład.

Author5 books17 followers

February 22, 2020

A bit tedious to read because of all the technical details the author gets into to explain how translation works, but this book resulted in an amazing source of information to understand how the Catholic church has always manipulated history. Very interesting. If you don't mind getting into too much detail, you might find this book quite interesting.


63 reviews

March 20, 2021

Fascinating Read!

If you are fascinated by the ancient astronaut theory, you will love this book! The author breaks down the ancient language of the Bible to present what was actually written and not always what we are told! The bibliography is incredibly extensive. Bravo to the author for doing a great job!

Mohit Lohani

3 reviews

October 8, 2017

Free thinkers' guide to Alien origins of humanity

A thorough guide on alien origins of humanity, alien modes of travel, DNA reegineering, angels and mortality of Alien Gods.

An interesting read for free thinkers and history buffs.

pamela boseman

193 reviews

February 2, 2018

The book that would forever change our ideas about the bible

This was an enlightening book. I can't wait to read more from this author. This book was full of insights on historical knowledge from the Old Testament.


7 reviews1 follower

December 9, 2018

Read and consider with an open mind

Lots of information that I will have to consider and research. Some of this I was already aware of but other parts I will need to find more source data to feel comfortable with. This book is a definite must read for many people.


351 reviews58 followers

June 3, 2020

Biglino accende la curiosità su aspetti che troppo spesso diamo per scontati.
La Bibbia che ci hanno sempre raccontato dice effettivamente quello che sappiamo da catechismo e orazioni? Magari leggendo i suoi libri cambieremo opinione su tante cose. E' importante sapere che non cambia le traduzioni della bibbia che abbiamo in casa, la legge, e quello che ne esce fuori fa drizzare i capelli.

    biglino genere-paleocontatto

Stephen Stoll

1 review

February 24, 2018


Well referenced, intense read, but well worth it. Laid out in easy to understand order. Worth your time, IF your mind is open

Juan Pablo Castillo

4 reviews

April 3, 2018


Ir más a very interesting boo k and Im looking forward to learning a lot much more about all the issues.


14 reviews

October 10, 2018

A very eye-opening book about the Bible and its literal meaning – with a regrettably bad English translation.

    books non-fiction

Steven Atkinson

169 reviews

October 29, 2018

Interesting but I found it a bit long winded.

A.S. Twinblack

Author22 books6 followers

December 13, 2019

Interessante. Uno spunto di riflessione sull'origine dell'uomo.

Otswila Nawade

6 reviews

May 14, 2022

An eye opener

It has really piqued my curiosity to the extent that I have to follow up with the referenced material. Really rich…

Alan Caffrey

5 reviews

May 15, 2022

terrible translation

It’s as if the Italian text was put straight into Google translate and this book is what got spewed out.

Connie Shabshab

1 review2 followers

December 26, 2023

An incredibly “out there” book of ideas that have no scientific backing whatsoever ever. Do not waste a minute of your time.


19 reviews1 follower

December 27, 2023

Separando la fede dalla storia é assolutamente un libro da leggere


5 reviews

July 24, 2023

I was expecting more data and scientific work than pushing a ET agenda behind the Bible. It is true that the book made what it promises it really changed forever my ideas about the Bible but I think we could have more than quoting Sitchin's books and theories. I liked it and I am glad to know that the Bible is not a book about God.

Bob Ladle

28 reviews5 followers

September 7, 2016

really impressed. Mauro worked for the Vatican as a translator. this is mostly the pentatuch as it should have been translated. If you have any interest in Sitchen there will be a lot of ahha's for yo uh here

The book that will forever change our ideas about the B… (2024)


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

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Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.