Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (2024)

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendation hide

IBefore You Start

IIMust Reads Romance Light Novels

II.IStolen Love – Zhou Yu

II.IIWhen He Comes, Close Your Eyes (Detective #2) – Ding Mo

IIIShould Reads Romance Light Novels

III.IChongfei Manual – Feng He You Yue

III.IIMemory Lost (Detective #3) – Ding Mo

III.IIIThe Overflowing Fragrance of Fish – Mocha Cookie

IVSuggested Read Romance Light Novels

IV.IHeyi Shengxiao Mo – Gu Man

IV.IIMy Disciple Died Yet Again – Mrs. Ago

IV.IIIMeow Meow Meow – Ju Hua San Li

IV.IVWhen a Snail Loves (Detective #1) – Ding Mo

IV.VSpring Banquet – BaiLuChengShuang

IV.VISubscribe for the latest updates!

So you are addicted to Chinese light novels or you are just starting out and there are so many great novels out there for you to to choose…

How do you make a decision?

Well, the worst thing that can happen is you pick up what you think will be an amazing book from the summaries, start reading, and then… realize it’s a pretty boring/bad/not your type of story.

Now what?

You’ve already spent hours on it and stopping now seems like such a waste, but if you also don’t want to continue wasting time. We’ve all been there!

Luckily, this is where Ultimate List of Must-Read Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations comes in, because I’ve gone ahead and finished every single Chinese light novel listed here to give you reviews to better guide your decision!

Please note that as I am bilingual, the novels in this list I’ve either 1) read the English translation 2) read the Chinese original 3) listened to the audiobook version of the Chinese original 4) a mixture above.

For all intended purposes, I feel numerical ratings are too restrictive. Really, EVERY book here is a treasure in its own right, and what really is the difference between an 8 and an 8.5 anyway? Instead, the books will be sorted into three categories: Must Reads, Should Reads, and Suggested Reads.

Please check back often as this post will be continuously updated!

Before You Start

Now if you like light novels, you will know reading a translated novel is a different experience than native English novels. The translation can be poor. The grammar is horrendous. Or that magical little something is lost between language barriers. If you find that is often the case, then let me recommend my book, The Language of the Flowers.

I wrote this book wanting to bring out the vibrant Chinese culture through graceful English prose. This book was written in the fast-pace style of Chinese novels, yet it is professionally written and edited. In it, you will find themes familiar in Chinese webnovels. One review puts it as:

“Abuse of power, power fight, jurisdiction of each Clan and family, revenge, etc have played around the life that Sebastian and Lan wish to built together.”Bidasari, Reviewer

If this sounds like your story check out The Language of the Flowers on Amazon! It is currently free to read on Kindle Unlimited! More reviews on Goodreads.

Now without further ado…

Must Reads Romance Light Novels

Must reads are the cream of the crop. These books are few and far in between and if you can – read all of them!

The criteria I use to place the books into this category is simple: stellar character and plot.

All novels here have unique, unforgettable characters along with a strong and solid plot that will linger for days on your mind after you’ve finished. Expect book withdrawals!

And now without further ado…

Stolen Love – Zhou Yu

Expect: Underworld, Strong Male Lead, and Strong Female Lead.

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (1)

Ah yes, hailed as THE underworld romance webnovel, Stolen Love has ranked first in various recommendation posts repeatedly.Read like a James Bond book, this action-packed romance stars a strong yet cunning female lead and the epitome of an arrogant “ice mountain” male lead.

This story starts off a bit slow, but once the action starts, it doesn’t stop.Our female lead Mu Li Xin, a thief, is on a mission to steal a jade artifact when she is nabbed by its owner, Qi Mo, a ruthless boss of the underworld.Just when Mu Li Xin thought her life would end right there, Qi Mo decided to keep her as his underling.

Mu Li Xin doesn’t have a say in the matter, and when she inadvertently saves Qi Mo a few times, she quickly rises from the ranks of his underling to his “possession”. Both the leads are dense to love, but Qi Mo instinctively knows that she can only be his.
He wants her to always be an arm’s reach away, and he very quickly “sleeps” with her because her aura calms him.

As readers, watching Qi Mo slowly understands his possessiveness is love is as rewarding as it is sweet. The only thing I can say about this novel is just read it! You won’t regret it!

When He Comes, Close Your Eyes (Detective #2) – Ding Mo

Expect: Unique Male Lead and High IQ Low EQ Male Lead.

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (2)

Before I start with this review, let me two things: 1) the author, Ding Mo, is a god-tier level novelist, and ANY book you pick up with her name will be bound not to disappoint 2) I numbered the series due to their chronological publication date. However there is very minimal crossover so the novels do not have to be read in order.

Her writing is flowing and concise, characterization and plot twists are point on. Most importantly, the research she’s put into her books seeps from every word on the page.

Ding Mo is known for her crime romance novels, and I would say When He Comes, Close Your Eyes launched her to national success. Not only is When He Comes, Close Your Eyes a best-seller, it is also adapted into an audiobook and a drama.

First off, let’s start with the characters. Our male lead Bo Jin Yan makes my top five most memorable male leads of all time. He is eccentric. He is intelligent. He is different. From each of his thoughts and actions, we can see the effort Ding Mo put into crafting him.

He is a high IQ and low EQ genius, and half the fun of the novel is watching him changing from a man scoffing at emotions to a man drowning in love. It is absolutely fricking adorable!

Jian Yao, our calm, high EQ female lead is the perfect counterpart to balance him. The other side characters are well fleshed out too. Reading Fu Zi Yu, one of the side character’s epilogue brought tears to my eyes!

As readers, we like suspense, we like thriller, and we like mystery, and Ding Mo’s story of romance is perfectly played out against a backdrop of crime and psychology. The story is fast-paced and you won’t be able to stop turning the pages! Not to mention the twist at the very end that had my heart leaping to my throat!

Don’t take my word for it! Just read it!

Should Reads Romance Light Novels

One level down from Must-reads. Of course, the novels in this group has good characterization and plot, yet they are just missing that little something that makes them truly memorable.

After reading the novels in this group, you will say, “Wow! That’s a good story!” Or maybe it will be special for you – after all, everyone’s taste in novels is a bit different. In any case, please read to your heart’s content because each book won’t disappoint!

Chongfei Manual – Feng He You Yue

Expect: Sweet Romance, Cunning Female Lead, Older Male Lead, and Possessive Male Lead

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (3)

In Weiluo’s past life, because of her stepmother’s jealousy, she sold her to traffickers and raised her twin brother to be a good-for-nothing. When Weiluo remembered her true identity at fifteen and wanted to return home, her stepmother and half-sister disfigured her face. She was left on the streets, came down with a severe sickness. When she opened her eyes again, she had returned to the past to when she was six years old, the day before her stepmother sold her off!

The next day she met the male lead, Zhao Jie, and this time around to foil her stepmother’s plot, she used him by deeply biting him on the wrist then running off, therefore gaining his attention. The male lead was not a nice person either; he ordered his guards to bring her back and “pull out her teeth”. From here on Weiluo piqued his interest.

Weiluo is cute and adorable, but she is also merciless. This time, she swore to take revenge on her stepmother and destroy her completely.

Zhao Jie is nine years older than the female lead. He is cold, ruthless, and possessive; he doesn’t even like Weiluo looking at another man. She is the beautiful flower he nurtured and watered from a sprout; she is his to pluck so how could he let anyone else covet her? But Weiluo has an arranged fiancé and an enemy that wants to change to her lover…

I personally like Weiluo’s cunning, feisty, and pampered personality. The romance is a bit slow as the first 20% is on the going-ons of when Weiluo is six! However, after and when Weiluo realizes her feelings the rest of the novel becomes tooth-achingly sweet!

Memory Lost (Detective #3) – Ding Mo

Expect: Unique Male Lead, Police Romance

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (4)

Memory Lost, Memory Lost. What to say. If you finished When He Comes, Close Your Eyes and want more novels of a similar feel, then this is the book for you.

Whereas When He Comes’ male lead is a criminal psychologist, Memory Lost’s both leads are police officers. Our male lead, Han Chen, has been searching for his fiancee for years. Everyone around him told him that he has no fiancee – that he imagined her up. But Han Chen firmly believes she exists and eventually meets our female lead, Bai Jingxi, who also lost a portion of her memory.

Bai Jingxi’s strength will touch you, and Han Chen’s feelings will shake you. Each side character is also flushed out and plays an important role in the story. Pay close attention to them because they carry important pieces to the mystery puzzle. Although the criminal mastermind’s real identity did not come as a surprise – at least not to me (I’m putting it down as a reader’s sixth sense here) – you will enjoy the rollercoaster nevertheless. Ding Mo’s writing is mature, fluid, and always able to pluck at one’s heartstrings.

The Overflowing Fragrance of Fish – Mocha Cookie

Expect: Teacher-Student Relationship, Xian Xia, Tsundere Male Lead, Externally Duplicitous Male Lead

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (5)

Our female lead A Lian is a variegated carp yao (Chinese equivalent of shapeshifters). Hundreds of years ago our male lead Rong Lin saved her from the hands of a fisherman. However, A Lian believes it is only a matter of time before she is caught again. Thus rather than hiding carefully at the bottom of the lake not knowing when she will be eaten, she’d rather present herself on a platter for her savior.

The most mention-worthy aspect of this novel is Rong Lin’s cute personality. He believes A Lian comes to him with ulterior motives (likes him); however when A Lin’s actions match his belief, he will still huff and puff at her. Rong Lin is especially tsundere-ish and externally duplicitous, acting like an untouchable deity yet won’t hesitate to call his love rival names (In Chinese, swordfish and you-bastard-of-a-fish are hom*ophones). When our protagonists went to register their fake marriage, Rong Lin decides that he will keep the certificate of marriage because what if when the time comes and A Lian hides the certificate and refuses to divorce him? After all, she had loved him for so long and now she finally has him, how could she let go? Haha.

Overall this novel is adorable, and our protagonist is adorable and straightforward. However, in some parts the logic of the plot can be tweaked, and the author will also skip over scenes that should be described. But have faith because Mocha Cookie is an experienced writer and this is perhaps a purposeful stylistic choice.

Suggested Read Romance Light Novels

Please note that these are not bad books – I don’t even finish “bad” books with cringeworthy plots and nonsensical characters! So everything here is decent.

But maybe the characters don’t resonate with me, or the plot can be matured more. But still, they are good in their own right! In fact, some of these novels have been adapted into manhuas and dramas!

Heyi Shengxiao Mo – Gu Man

Expect: Light Read, Josei

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (6)

Warning: The description for this novel says it’s a “short story” but how can webnovels actually be short. Hahhh.

My deepest memory of this story is the summer in China I sat each day in front of the TV as the sun sets outside the window trying to binge on episodes of Heyi Shenxiao Mo’s drama adaptation.

In a supermarket, our female lead Zhao Mosheng happens to see the boy she liked seven years ago with his foster sister, Yimei, who also likes him.

In a moment of mishap, Zhao Mosheng knocks over a piled display, attracting Yichen and Yimei’s attention, and so begins our story. The red string of fate is not easily meant to be broken; Zhao Mosheng doesn’t know Yichen has waited for her for seven years, yet nor will Yichen know Zhao Mosheng’s husband will soon follow her back…

This story carries the josei tag, so expect it to be both sweet and a little bitter. Personally, Zhao Mosheng’s character is just so to me, because other than persistently chasing Yichen in university days to be almost labeled as a stalker, there is nothing else that really made her stellar. But hey, like a netizen pointed out: how normal could Zhao Mosheng really be if she attended the same university as Yichen?

My Disciple Died Yet Again – Mrs. Ago

Expect: Funny Female Leand and XianXia

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (7)

This novel is quite popular in China. It has been adapted into a TV series and also a manhua. I remember starting this as an English translation, then picking it up as an audiobook, then finally finishing it in original Chinese.

However, despite its popularity, I feel My Disciple Died Yet Again didn’t leave a particularly strong impression amongst the hundreds of other Chinese novels I’ve read.

It read like a book that is “jack of all trades but master of none.”

The highlight of My Disciple Died Yet Again is supposed to be its humor, yet this comedy tapers off towards the end (As well, I, and other reviewers, also feels the ending is weak compared to the beginning).

And like most romance-focused Cultivation novels, the Cultivation aspect is not as well flushed out and should not be taken too seriously.

The romance is definitely comparatively less in quantity than purely romanced focused novels, nor is the chemistry between the leads particularly electrifying.

Fortunately, the author is a seasoned writer and readers will enjoy our heroine Zhu Yao’s spontaneity and wittiness; I can’t say I didn’t have a good time guessing what Zhu Yao will be reborn as each time she dies (Let’s say it’s a good day when she is reborn as a human!)!

Overall My Disciple Diet Yet Again is a worthwhile light and fun read.

Meow Meow Meow – Ju Hua San Li

Expect: First Person Narrative and Shen Xian

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (8)

Hua Miao Miao, previously a housecat, falls to her death and wakes up as a cat yao (Chinese equivalent of a shapeshifter) in a time where gods and deities exist.

Innocent, naive, and childlike, we follow Hua Miao Miao as she embarks on various hilarious adventures in the earthly and heavenly realm. For example, she started a fight with Erlang Shen (a Chinese deity), and not understanding the difference between her cat and woman form, ripped off her “foreign and restrictive” clothes and gave Erlang Shen a nosebleed xD.

The story is roughly divided into three sections. In the first section, the male lead picks up Hua Miao Miao and brings her to the heavenly realm. Here, she goes to school, gets into mischief, and learns to be a yao. The second section tells Hua Miao Miao, their son, and the reincarnated male lead’s story on earth. In the third section, both the leads are reincarnated into the present and slowly remember their past lives.

As Hua Miao Miao grows and matures through the sections, the story’s tone also shifts from comedic to angst. At the very end I even shed a few tears! But don’t worry the ending is a happy one

I thought the male lead’s personality is somewhat “jumpy” initially, but it settles as the story progresses. Overall this story gives you the “feels”, and at over 200 chapters, be prepared for a longer read!

When a Snail Loves (Detective #1) – Ding Mo

Expect: Police Romance, Quiet Female Lead, Low EQ High IQ Female Lead, Friend to Lovers

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (9)

Yes, I worship every word out of Ding Mo’s pen, and yes, I will eventually recommend all of Ding Mo’s novels.

Our female lead, XuXu, is described as quiet, thin, and pale; like a little vampire. She is one of two new criminal profilers recruits to the police department. She is assigned under the tutelage of the captain of the police department and one of the best detective around – Ji Bai – who his fellow female colleagues describe as “as handsome as he is stone-hearted”. And Ji Bai, who must train a recruit to pass his annual examination, agrees to take on XuXu. Now in each other’s orbits, situations and interactions makes them see each other in new lights, and slowly they begin to fall for each other.

Xuxu is almost the female version of the male lead in When He Comes, Close Your Eyes, the second book in Ding Mo’s detective quartet. She is described as having low EQ but high IQ – although not as low as Bo Jinyan, haha. Once, after the second male lead confesses his intention to date her and lists all of his qualifications as to why he would make an attractive partner, XuXu replies: “Give me a moment to consider because I am tired and cannot process your words. I need a few minutes to properly focus.”

The interesting characters Ding Mo crafts up are the testament of her solid writing skill. In actuality, When A Snail Loves can easily be placed in the “Should Read” category. I also struggled a bit with my decision, and truly believe that you should pick this book up first as this IS book one of her detective quartet. Plus, if you enjoyed When a Snail Loves then you will absolutely adore the rest of the series! But the reason why I ultimately placed it in the “Suggested Read” category is because by the time I am writing this review, I have read this book three times. The first time I read it was for pure enjoyment, then forgot about what happened, fell in love with Ding Mo’s other books, so decided to read it a second time. Then by the time I wanted to write a review, I forgot what happened again so I read it a third time. I will admit that I thoroughly enjoyed this book each time, but for me to not conjure up any emotion/memory about this book each time means that this book lacked that little something to make it magical. After this time, I feel what lacked was the passionate chemistry between the leads. There wasn’t a “you are the one” feeling for me, and to be fair, the author mentioned that she wanted to write a commonplace, everyday real-life love story instead of her past SciFi romance that spanned thousands of years and galaxies so…

All in all I still highly, highly recommend this novel because the series only gets better from here on! P.S. this novel is also adapted into a drama so if you feel like cheating…

Spring Banquet – BaiLuChengShuang

Expect: Rebirth, Revenge, Traditional Era, Spirited Female Lead, Externally Duplicitous Male Lead

Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (10)

WARNING! It pains my conscience to put this book here but it is fully translated… just fully google translated… I don’t know what my readers’ tolerance for machine translation is but I would pick this one up with extreme caution. My review and recommendation are based on my reading of this novel in native Chinese, so please factor this in!

Our female lead Li Huaiyu was personally handed a poisoned drink by our male lead, Jiang Xuanjin. The story begins on the day of our female lead’s funeral procession, when she mysteriously wakes up in the body of the fourth Miss of the Bai House. Not believing her situation, she escapes the Bai House by scaling a wall, wanting to see her funeral procession with her own eyes, only to land on our male lead. After fully accepting her rebirth, Li Huaiyu plans on taking revenge on Jiang Xuanjin for killing her. She seduces him into marrying her, and uses his growing love for her to help her reveal the truth of the political machinations behind her death. She calculates, uses, and manipulates his affection for her gains, but forgot that she must first use her own heart to play the game…

This novel sounds angsty, but the angst really only happens when the male lead learns of Li Huaiyu’s real identity and continues for maybe fifteen chapters after. This novel is overall a very sweet and cute romance, where Li Huaiyu acts more like the arrogant rogue seducing the innocent Jiang Xuanjin maiden haha xD. In fact, the author writes the male lead as having “princess-like” tempers and the female lead is the who must always coax our male lead! For example, the Jiang Xuanjin will not want to drink his bitter medicine and only when the female lead offers him a candy will he drink it. Or even after they are married, the male lead thinks bathing together is improper and scandalous and our female lead must seduce him into having one… Li Huaiyu and Jiang Xuanjin is one of the cutest couples I’ve read I have to admit!

The reason I placed Spring Banquet into this category is mainly because sometimes the characters actions/reactions gives me pause. Even in the realm of fiction, there is still the fabric of believability that the author must weave, and the author failed it for me at a few instances. However, I also do feel that believability can be subjective; scenes that are a bit overboard for one reader may be tolerable to others.

All in all this novel contains standard political plots, sweet and bitter love stories between secondary characters, and a very adorable main couple. But I subtracted points for believability and unexpected/sudden plot events.

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Ultimate List of Romance Chinese Novel Recommendations (On Going) - The King's Quill (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.